GOLSYSTEMS business tour in Taiwan

GOLSYSTEMS business tour in Taiwan

During a business tour in Asia, the CEO of GOLSYSTEMS made a series of visits to strengthen relationships with key suppliers and explore new opportunities for innovation and technological collaboration.

In his quest for new business partners and technological solutions, the CEO visited the offices of one of the leading companies in the manufacturing of sensors for engines that allow for the early detection of failures in industrial machinery. He met with the company’s CEO, Mr. Ray-Song Chuang, as well as Anthony Yu and Tanya Shen from commercial department.

The CEO also visited one of the most important manufacturers of motherboards for IoT solutions and sensor measurements for medical equipment. Additionally, he participated in the Latin America Business Day 2024, which brought together companies from various regions of Latin America in the Asian country.

Our CEO also had the opportunity to meet with two renowned women, actress Patricia Reyes Spindola and the journalist Rossana Fuentes Berain. They discussed a new film set in both countries and the research project in the technology industry, as well as the opportunities that nearshoring in Mexico could present.

At GOLSYSTEMS, we thank all the manufacturers who shared their enthusiasm with us and opened their doors to allow us to learn more about the technological innovations they offer. We hope to achieve an alliance between Mexico and Taiwan. We also thank all the people who showed us their kindness and shared their love for technology during GOLSYSTEMS’ tour of Asia.

GOLSYSTEMS visita a fábrica de Tarjetas Madre en Asia

GOLSYSTEMS visita a fábrica de Tarjetas Madre en Asia

Durante una gira de negocios en Asia, el CEO de GOLSYSTEMS de México realizó una visita a una de las fábricas líderes en la producción de tarjetas madre para soluciones de IoT ( internet de las cosas) y mediciones con sensores para equipos médicos en Taipéi, Taiwán.

La visita, que tuvo lugar esta semana, forma parte de los esfuerzos de GOLSYSTEMS por fortalecer sus relaciones con proveedores clave y explorar nuevas oportunidades de innovación y colaboración tecnológica. El CEO, se reunió con los altos ejecutivos de la fábrica, así como con ingenieros y técnicos especializados en el desarrollo de hardware.

Taiwán es un país conocido por su vanguardia tecnológica y altos estándares de producción, y un lugar estratégico para muchas empresas que desarrollan proyectos con Arduino, una plataforma de hardware libre popular en el ámbito de la electrónica y la robótica.